Women Empowerment

  • To promote women empowerment and child development.
  • To provide a philanthropic platform for women and their families to express their stories and advocate issues of their concern.
  • To create and disseminate content through various media.
  • To build a Just Future Where Every Child and Family Thrives Because of Early Childhood Education and together we will shape a generation through this.
  • To implement a strategy for eradicating malnutrition and achieving optimum nutrition for all by stressing on the need for breast feeding, adopting play way methods of teaching and raising them with love & care for the overall development of their brains. This combination of nature and nurture establishes the foundation of a child’s future.
  • To work in rural, tribal and slum areas and provide services to pre-school children in an integrated manner so as to ensure proper growth and development in them.
  • To work towards economic empowerment of women and their families through various means.
  • To reduce dowry harassment, child marriage, female genital mutilation, infanticide, gender bias and eliminate human trafficking.
  • To promote self-help groups, responsible human habitats, renewable energy, rainwater harvesting and to conduct research and analysis.
  • To work for prevention of trafficking and rescue, rehabilitation, and re-integration of victims of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation
  • To help in accommodation for working women and day-care facility for their children.
  • To help in pan India implementation of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme.
  • To 'Save the Girl Child' and help in eradication of female foeticide